Burlington Sno-Snoopers

Welcome to the web site of the Burlington Sno-Snoopers Snowmobile Club, Inc. located in Western Racine County, WI.

Website Last Updated:  March 25th, 2025

Burlington Sno-Snoopers trails are: CLOSED

Racine County Snow Phone: 262-554-0133

Club News: The Burlington Sno-Snoopers would like to invite you to our 2025 landowner appreciation dinner. This annual event is our way of thanking our Landowners for the use of their land to complete our trail system. Wisconsin has over 25,000 miles of snowmobile trails and their contribution is an essential part of maintaining Wisconsin’s title as the Snowmobile Capital of the World. Please join us for dinner and conversation. 


2025 Banquet invatation members.pdf

E-Mail: Sno-Snoopers@yahoo.com

Membership Chair, Jim McBryde  262-514-4442  snosnoopersmembership@gmail.com

We have added a GPS tracking unit to our groomer. One advantage is that the company that leases the tracking unit provides an APP and website to see what trails have been groomed. The website can be found at gts.groomertrackingsystems.com/map . To get the APP, search the APP store on you phone for "Groomer Tracking Systems". It will work on both apple and android phones.

Untitled presentation